Did you read Winnie the Pooh?

snow owl

There was a wonderful character called OWL in those stories. SHELBY F. SQUIRREL’S kindly uncle is called the Wise Old Owl. Of course, in nature owls are predators and flying squirrels would be natural prey, but in a story for young children fancy can implemented. Interesting classroom discussion fodder for the middle grades 4 to 6, there is a wealth of similar opportunity in this book.

If you loved A.A. Milne’s, Thornton W. Burgess’s and Beatrix Potter’s books for children, you will also love my Shelby stories.

Fun, antics and morals abound. Each story is different and stands alone. A variety of characters, wide range of topics and overriding focus on nature and the environment are the ingredients. Sparkling colour photographs accompany each story. The book can be enjoyed for many years, by reading to younger children, and older kids owning a book they can read and pass on to their own families with pride.

Paperback now available at createspace.com/5399580.

E-Book versions at:

Kobo:   http://bit.ly/19IvDaW                       

Kindle: http://amzn.to/1FCeKGQ